Well, help is never too far away at Furzey Gardens; Lady Daphney, who had her summer home, Westland in Furzey Gardens, had offered her services. As a real fairy she loved flowers and plants. She told Hubert that her handyman, Clive, could fix anything.
So, on a lovely sunny morning after sending a telegraph to Clive at Daphney's winter home Diarmuid Hall in the Forest, Hubert and his nephew Gavin collected the first damaged door and set off in the lorry for Diarmuid Hall. They met Clive in the most wonderful barn full of Lady Daphney's spare treasures.
After a bit of light banter, Clive got to work. I am a little worried how Silly might react to a 'new kid on the block'?!
Snail at work furzey gardens chelsea flower show |
Just came across your blog by accident while searching for Little Grey Men pictures!!! I love it!! Especially loving the rocket drama and the snail picnic.